No exploiting of any kind. No bots, third-party software, or bug-abuse for any reason. Please /report any bugs or exploits you find.

 There's never an OK time to be racist, prejudiced, sexist, or discriminatory AT ALL. Do NOT do it.

 Absolutely NO sexual harassment of any type, for any reason.

 No Admin fraud of any kind.

 Don't beg for items or troll other players.

 No threatening the server with any sort of attack, and no threatening another player with IRL harm.

 No promotional advertising and NO SPAM.

 No inappropriate paintings or /SIL images.

 Keep politics and religion to yourself. This is an escape from real life.

 There is never an OK time to trick or lure a player to their death. Players must enter trap bases on their own will.

 Global chat is English ONLY. You are welcome to use team chat for other languages.


 You should only build structures that you are actively using and NO LAND CLAIMING. Use it or lose it.

 You may have one ring of external TC coverage beyond your main building. This is to reduce land claiming.

 Don't block other players, player bases, or any public access points or monuments.

 If it isn't your own base that you built, don't obstruct it.

 Building on the edge of PVP domes is prohibited.

 No 'grief' building. That means if you are building it to give someone else a hard time, DON'T.

 Do not build within 10 foundations of other another player's build


 Clans are limited to 6 players.

 Alt accounts are allowed, but must be in the same clan as the main account.

 Do not clan with a player with the intent to rob/kill after gaining trust.


 No outside traps allowed. They must be FULLY ENCLOSED inside a base. Not in your open compound and not on your roof!

 SAMs are allowed to be outside and turned on at all times. They only target Attack Helis until purge.

 Traps are NOT protected at any time and can take damage by anyone.

 Trap bases are allowed, with all traps completely enclosed. NO luring and NOT NEAR safe zones or Town zone.

 You may not place signs on a trap bases that can be considered luring. Players may not place signs near trap bases indicating the location.


 Small Oil, Military Tunnels, and Missile Silo are PVE events that auto claim by meeting criteria stated when entering the zone.

 Air Event, Armored Train, Convoy, Sputnik, and Water Event get auto-locked to the first clan that does enough damage.

 Players are to be given every chance to finish events, even in death.

 PVE events, monuments, and abandoned player base raids may NOT be countered or counter-looted. If someone is doing the event/monument/raid, leave the area.

 Players are to be given every chance to finish PVE events and abandoned bases, even in death, and you may not at all loot that player.

 PVE deaths from elements not listed above (scientists, zombies, bosses, heli, horde, etc.) are not considered events.


 The PVP areas are indicated by static gray domes that encompass specific zones & monuments. Cargo is PVP at all times, but will not have a bubble.

 Temporary PVP domes are enacted anywhere the Attack Heli is shot down, where the Daily Airdrop lands, and event airdrops.

 The box to the right of your toolbar will indicate which area you are in, indicated by PVE, PVP, or PVP Delay.

 PVP delay will last for 15 seconds after leaving a PVP zone. You can be shot and killed by other players in PVP & PVP delay during this time.

 Temporary PVP domes are enacted anywhere the Attack Heli is shot down, where the Daily Airdrop lands, and event airdrops.

 Do not attempt any events or hostile actions within any Safe Zones or Town. Don't fight heli. Don't engage convoy.

 Do not 'edge-camp' PVP lines. Players must fully enter a PVP dome and remain in that dome to participate.

 No downing Attack Heli where it can place a PVP bubble inside town or on a player to force them into PVP.

 Looting in PVP is allowed, but could discourage players from wanting to PVP in the future. You get to decide how the community views you.

 Do not team up in PVP. If you want to team you should be in the same clan.

 Building Protection:

 Player storages and containers can be looted at any time. Lock everything!

 Player buildings get 48 hours of offline damage protection.

 After 48 hours of inactivity, player bases can be damaged and are raidable by anyone.

 The 48 hour raid protection is reset each time the building owner or a clan member of the building owner logs in.

 Raid protection ONLY applies to building parts you or your clan member placed. A base you raid and slap a TC on will NOT get protection.

 Players who log off or crash get a 60 minute safety timer that makes them unlootable and kill-proof.

 Sleepers may be killed or looted after the 60 minute safety timer ends.


 When attempting to damage a base with any tool/weapon, a pop-up saying PROTECTED  will show if the building is not raidable.

 When attempting to damage a base with any tool/weapon, a pop-up saying RAIDABLE  will show if the building is raidable.

 Abandoned Bases will become protected again if the building owner or any of their clanmates logs in.

 Do not leave any items you place in abandoned player bases. This includes doors, locks, TCs, etc.

 Don't go in a player base unless you plan on getting killed or trapped. If you follow a player inside, they can kill you.


 Players who log off or crash get a 60 minute timer that makes them unlootable and kill-proof.

 Sleepers can be killed by TC authorized players.

 Sleepers that have been offline for 48 hours can be killed and their backpacks will drop without needing TC access. .

 If players log out by your base in your TC range, you can kill them with any weapon.

 If players log out in the wild, you can place a TC down to kill them with any weapon.

 Sleepers will drop their backpack when killed if they are logged off for more than 48 hours.


 No exploiting of any kind. No bots, third-party software, or bug-abuse for any reason. Please /report any bugs or exploits you find.

 There's never an OK time to be racist, prejudiced, sexist, or discriminatory AT ALL. Do NOT do it.

 Absolutely NO sexual harassment of any type, for any reason.

 No Admin fraud of any kind.

 Don't beg for items or troll other players.

 No threatening the server with any sort of attack, and no threatening another player with IRL harm.

 No promotional advertising and NO SPAM.

 No inappropriate paintings or /SIL images.

 Keep politics and religion to yourself. This is an escape from real life.

 There is never an OK time to trick or lure a player to their death.

 Global chat is English ONLY. You are welcome to use team chat for other languages.


 You should only build structures that you are actively using and NO LAND CLAIMING. Use it or lose it.

 You may have one ring of external TC coverage beyond your building. This is to reduce land claiming.

 Don't block other players, player bases, or any public access points or monuments.

 If it isn't your own base that you built, don't obstruct it.

 No 'grief' building. That means if you are building it to give someone else a hard time, DON'T.


 Clans are limited to 6 players.

 Alt accounts are allowed, but must be in the same clan as the main account.

 Do not clan with a player with the intent to rob/kill after gaining trust.


 Outside traps are fully allowed.

 Traps will not target or damage players, but will damage NPCs.

 Trap bases are not allowed.


 Cargo, Small Oil, Military Tunnels, and Missile Silo are events that auto claim by meeting criteria stated when entering the zone.

 Air Event, Armored Train, Convoy, Sputnik, and Water Event get auto-locked to the first clan that does enough damage.

 Players are to be given every chance to finish events and abandoned bases, even in death.

 Building Protection:

 Player storages and containers can be looted by anyone with building authorization.

 Player buildings get 7 days of offline protection.

 If all players authorized on a TC have been offline for 7 days, the base will be automatically despawned.

 Base purging protection is reset each time the building owner or a clan member of the building owner logs in.

 Base purging protection ONLY applies to building parts you or your clan members placed.

 There is no ability to raid player bases.


 Sleepers can only be looted by clan members.

 Sleepers can only be killed by players with TC Authorization.

 If players log out by your base in your TC range, you can kill them with any weapon.

 If players log out in the wild, you can place a TC down to kill them with any weapon.