• No exploiting of any kind. No bots, third-party software, or bug-abuse for any reason. Please /report any bugs or exploits you find.
• There's never an OK time to be racist, prejudiced, sexist, or discriminatory AT ALL. Do NOT do it.
• Absolutely NO sexual harassment of any type, for any reason.
• No Admin fraud of any kind.
• Don't beg for items or troll other players.
• No threatening the server with any sort of attack, and no threatening another player with IRL harm.
• No promotional advertising and NO SPAM.
• No inappropriate paintings or /SIL images.
• Keep politics and religion to yourself. This is an escape from real life.
• There is never an OK time to trick or lure a player to their death. Players must enter trap bases on their own will.
• Global chat is English ONLY. You are welcome to use team chat for other languages.
• You should only build structures that you are actively using and NO LAND CLAIMING. Use it or lose it.
• You may have one ring of external TC coverage beyond your main building. This is to reduce land claiming.
• Don't block other players, player bases, or any public access points or monuments.
• If it isn't your own base that you built, don't obstruct it.
• Building on the edge of PVP domes is prohibited.
• No 'grief' building. That means if you are building it to give someone else a hard time, DON'T.
• Do not build within 10 foundations of other another player's build
• Clans are limited to 6 players.
• Alt accounts are allowed, but must be in the same clan as the main account.
• Do not clan with a player with the intent to rob/kill after gaining trust.
• No outside traps allowed. They must be FULLY ENCLOSED inside a base. Not in your open compound and not on your roof!
• SAMs are allowed to be outside and turned on at all times. They only target Attack Helis until purge.
• Traps are NOT protected at any time and can take damage by anyone.
• Trap bases are allowed, with all traps completely enclosed. NO luring and NOT NEAR safe zones or Town zone.
• You may not place signs on a trap bases that can be considered luring. Players may not place signs near trap bases indicating the location.
• Small Oil, Military Tunnels, and Missile Silo are PVE events that auto claim by meeting criteria stated when entering the zone.
• Air Event, Armored Train, Convoy, Sputnik, and Water Event get auto-locked to the first clan that does enough damage.
• Players are to be given every chance to finish events, even in death.
• PVE events, monuments, and abandoned player base raids may NOT be countered or counter-looted. If someone is doing the event/monument/raid, leave the area.
• Players are to be given every chance to finish PVE events and abandoned bases, even in death, and you may not at all loot that player.
• PVE deaths from elements not listed above (scientists, zombies, bosses, heli, horde, etc.) are not considered events.
• The PVP areas are indicated by static gray domes that encompass specific zones & monuments. Cargo is PVP at all times, but will not have a bubble.
• Temporary PVP domes are enacted anywhere the Attack Heli is shot down, where the Daily Airdrop lands, and event airdrops.
• The box to the right of your toolbar will indicate which area you are in, indicated by PVE, PVP, or PVP Delay.
• PVP delay will last for 15 seconds after leaving a PVP zone. You can be shot and killed by other players in PVP & PVP delay during this time.
• Temporary PVP domes are enacted anywhere the Attack Heli is shot down, where the Daily Airdrop lands, and event airdrops.
• Do not attempt any events or hostile actions within any Safe Zones or Town. Don't fight heli. Don't engage convoy.
• Do not 'edge-camp' PVP lines. Players must fully enter a PVP dome and remain in that dome to participate.
• No downing Attack Heli where it can place a PVP bubble inside town or on a player to force them into PVP.
• Looting in PVP is allowed, but could discourage players from wanting to PVP in the future. You get to decide how the community views you.
• Do not team up in PVP. If you want to team you should be in the same clan.
 Building Protection:
• Player storages and containers can be looted at any time. Lock everything!
• Player buildings get 48 hours of offline damage protection.
• After 48 hours of inactivity, player bases can be damaged and are raidable by anyone.
• The 48 hour raid protection is reset each time the building owner or a clan member of the building owner logs in.
• Raid protection ONLY applies to building parts you or your clan member placed. A base you raid and slap a TC on will NOT get protection.
• Players who log off or crash get a 60 minute safety timer that makes them unlootable and kill-proof.
• Sleepers may be killed or looted after the 60 minute safety timer ends.
• When attempting to damage a base with any tool/weapon, a pop-up saying PROTECTED